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Estate Income Tax RatesThe structure of the estate income tax rates are similar to the individual tax rates. The difference is that the estate income tax brackets are much more compressed than the individual income tax brackets. As a result, the estate will pay a higher tax on lower estate income levels because of the compressed estate income tax rates.

The Impact on Your Estate Plan

The impact that the estate income tax could have on your estate plan could be painful. According to the Putnam Investments 2022 Tax Rates guide, reaching the top rate of 37% takes only $13,450.00 of earned income from the estate. Conversely, a single individual reaches the top rate at $539,000 of earned income. So, if you have an estate that can produce a lot of income after death, the tax burden on your estate could be excessive. As a result, less property will transfer to your beneficiaries.

Finally, consider a possible tax burden in your estate plan. You will need to determine which assets will continue to earn income after death and plan accordingly. At the very least, reducing the estate income tax burden or avoiding the estate income tax should be the focus of your estate plan.  This way your intended beneficiaries will receive more of your hard-earned property than the IRS.


Putnam Investments, 2022 tax rates, schedules, and contribution limits.

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